Archivio mensile:Aprile 2017

LombaXMonday N° 1 – links and resources from the IT World

Hello there! With this post I want to inaugurate a new section of this blog: LombaXMonday!
One of the things that my wife complains about me is the fact that I don’t read books. However, it doesn’t mean that I don’t read. I’m an avid reader of news of all kinds regarding technology, programming and IT.
Every day I read a lot of links about computer programming and languages, infrastructures, new technologies, quick tips, trends, architectures and so on. I read them immediately or put in my “read later” list. All my readings helped me to grow and learn new things…so why don’t share them with my readers? For this reason, I decided to publish and share, every monday, a list of the links I came accross during the past days.

Ok, now that I explained why, let’s begin with the first LombaXMonday

A roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017 – link

This article suggests a learning path to become a web developer in 2017. It differentiates between frontend, backend and devops. Despite its content can be debatable, you can give it a look even if you are an experienced web developer, so you can evaluate if you lacks of some nice-to-have skills and start learning again.

Composition over Inheritance – link

Ok, many of you knows, I don’t like Javascript and the frontend in general 🙂
However, I think that the concepts explained in this video are useful also for backend developers and can be easily ported to the PHP ecosystem. Learn how to create your objects using Composition and avoid the headaches of the classic Inheritance.

The art of command line (Italian) – link

Do you think to be a master of the command line? Do you think that Bash has no secrets for you? You are wrong. For sure. Did you know the ctrl-r shortcut? And ctrl-w?
Spend a little time studying the linked article and learn how to master – REALLY – the command line. You will never stop to use these new tips.
Note: The article is in Italian


That’s all for the first LombaXMonday, if you liked it, have any question or want to let me know that this article sucks, don’t hesitate to add a comment 🙂